Aviation Maintenance Technician

Welcome to AvTech Exams!
We are an Aviation Maintenance Technician Exam Prep, Oral & Practical Prep and FAA Testing Center. We provide top quality exam prep, O&P prep and on-site computerized examinations for FAA Airframe and/or Powerplant ratings and Inspection Authorization to individuals, corporations and the US Military.
Since 1971, AvTech Exams has been preparing and training Aviation Maintenance Technicians to pass FAA written examinations and become a Certified Airframe & Powerplant Aviation Maintenance Technician.
Our testing center and classrooms are located in the main terminal of the Riverside Municipal Airport (RAL) in Riverside, CA. Practical project training takes place in our 2500 sq. ft. hangar adjacent to the terminal building.
Office Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday
9:00am PST - 4:00pm PST
Unlimited Practice Exams

Airframe & Powerplant
Get your A&P in 13 days!
This class aims to guide students through the foundations of the subject and beyond. Students will get the chance to apply their problem solving and critical thinking skills within a challenging learning environment that requires active participation.
Dive right into class with one of our expert teachers. This class has students discovering, analyzing, and learning from experience. Our goal as educators is to spur our students’ curiosity, and allow them to learn at their own pace. Get in touch with us to learn more!
Enroll in our hands-on, innovative class for intermediate and advanced students. Our qualified and experienced teachers serve as facilitators of the learning process. Instead of simply lecturing, they guide students by helping make sense of course materials, encouraging them to ask questions and explore solutions, and promoting the use of resources outside of the classroom.
Oral & Practical
​Our Oral & Practical Course covers core competencies to enable you to successfully pass the Oral & Practical
exam with the DME. During the ORAL portion of the test, the examiner will ask a series of oral questions. During the
PRACTICAL portion of the test, the examiner will want you to demonstrate that you understand basic principles, practices and procedures in aircraft maintenance and repair. The completion of this course is one of the final steps in your journey to obtaining your A&P certificate!
Inspection Authorization
This course prepares the student to pass the Federal Aviation Administration's Inspection Authorization examination. The course consists of an in-depth review of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations, FAA Orders, Advisory Circulars, and Airworthiness Directives, and use of FAA required inspection data.
A&P Home Study
If you can't come to us, our AV101 Course can come to you!
We know it's tougher than ever to spend 13 days at AvTech Exams due to your job, family or personal commitments, so we designed a course to help with this problem. The Course is AV101. It's designed to let you finish your written examinations at home on your own time and then come to AvTech Exams for 8 days of Oral and Practical prep which is our AV400 course.

Military COOL Programs
AvTech Exams works with all of the Military COOL Programs.
Call us at 951-352-8180 and we can guide you through the Military COOL process.
Active Duty and Veterans Assistance
What is the Licensing and Certification Reimbursement Benefit?
The licensing and certification benefit allows the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) to pay you, if you are eligible, for a test for a license or certification. You can receive reimbursement for approved licensing or certification tests you take on or after March 1, 2001. These tests must be specifically approved for the G.I. Bill.
Note: VA can pay only for the cost of the test and not other fees connected with obtaining a license or certification.
Will this benefit really be a good deal for me?
In today’s business and government climate, having a license or certification can open doors for you. A license is required for most professions, and for jobs that are subject to State or other government regulations. Certification is voluntary, but frequently sought after. That ’s because getting a certification can help you get, keep, or advance
in a job. (By certification, we mean the certification you get by taking a specific test for a field of employment, not a certificate you receive for completion of training. However, you can also use your VA benefits for many school courses needed to obtain a license or certification.) In jobs from mechanics, installers, repairers to medical technicians to
therapists to computer network engineers, Web site developers, and many, many others, certification plays a key role.
How do I get reimbursed?
Most Vets are eligible for reimbursement of testing fees through the VA by filing VA form 22-0803.
During your enrollment at AvTech Exams we will provide you with the proper form required for you to obtain your reimbursement.

AvTech Exams Proctors all FAA examinations. Schedule your exam online or walk-in for an exam from 9:00am PST- 12:00pm PST Monday - Friday.
FAA Testing Center Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:30am PST - 2pm PST
Friday: 9:30am PST - 12:00pm PST
Walk-In Testing: 9:00am PST - 12:00pm PST
AvTech Exams Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9am PST - 4pm PST
Effective January 13, 2020, PRIOR TO taking an FAA Airman Knowledge Test:
All applicants must establish an FTN, by creating a profile in the Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) System
All applicants must also create a PSI Account which will require your FTN
FAA Airman Knowledge Exam Online Registration:

6951 Flight Road #202, Riverside, CA 92504
951-352-8180 / 1-800-216-0930
Monday - Friday
9:00am PST - 4:00pm PST
Reach Us Via Email Below